

How we’ve helped others


Real experiences from real Challenger customers. Find out what they have to say.

Retiree watering plants


70, retired, QLD, Lifetime annuity investor 

“I like that I receive an income for as long as I live. It’s consistent.And that’s a real comfort to me. I get a part-age pension as well which I mainly to use to pay the bills and everyday things. The annuity money is for “extras” like birthday presents or going out for a special occasion. It allows me to enjoy my retirement.”


“Guaranteed regular income regardless of how long I live really resonates with me. That’s why I bought a lifetime annuity in the first place.”


“My adviser recommended a lifetime annuity because I wanted a guaranteed income for life. At my age, I didn’t want to take any risk. I’ve been so happy with my lifetime annuity that I bought two more lifetime annuities with Challenger.”


“Some of my friends invest in stocks on the share market but I like to know what I’m getting. I don’t want that kind of risk at my age. I’m comfortable with the safe road that I have taken regarding my finances in retirement. I like the security the lifetime annuity offers.”

Retiree hiking


68, retired, NSW, Fixed Term annuity investor 


“We took out a 20-year fixed Term annuity because we liked the guaranteed income. We use the annuity to cover our base expenses and then our Superannuation which fluctuates due to the market, sits on top of that. I like the security of the annuity.

“We used to have investment properties as part of our retirement plan however they are more trouble than they are worth. We’ve now just got our term annuity which pays a guaranteed income (which we love) and our superannuation. The two together work really well for us.”


Meet Margaret

Meet Graham


Challenger service

Take a look at what our customers have to say about our service.

Additional reading

How we deliver on our promises

Our annuities offer guaranteed regular income payable for a chosen fixed term, or payable for life. So how do we deliver on our promises to you?

Retire with Confidence tool

Estimate how long your super savings might last in retirement, possible Age Pension payments and the impact of including a guaranteed income stream as part of your portfolio.

Guide to annuities

An annuity is a financial product that can be used to provide you with regular income in retirement. Find out more about modern annuities and how they can help in our annuities guide.


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