Our sustainability strategy
Providing customers with financial security for a better retirement is at the heart of what we do. To help deliver on this, we seek to invest responsibly, support the financial resilience of our customers, and communities, do the right thing by our customers, people, shareholders and the environment and advocate for the financial security of retirees.
Challenger’s sustainability strategy reflects our most material social, environmental and governance risks and opportunities. Find out more about our strategy in the latest sustainability report.
Responsible investment
The retirement landscape in Australia is rapidly evolving and we recognise the role that our investments and stewardship can play in shaping a better future. We believe that integrating ESG considerations into investment decisions will support the long-term success of investment markets, company performance and improve risk-adjusted returns over time.
Our ESG team are actively involved with a number of leading industry and professional bodies including RIAA and the IAST.
Climate change
At Challenger we understand that climate change is one of the biggest challenges facing society now and into future generations, and we’re committed to supporting progress in transitioning to a low-carbon economy.
This includes working with our stakeholders to find ways to reduce risks and create a more resilient economy as well as minimising the impact of our business on the environment.
To find out more about our approach, read our Climate change statement.

Community partnerships
We recognise our role in contributing to a more sustainable and equitable future for all Australians. We’re pleased to support organisations that make a positive impact on local communities.
Women Up North
WUN is a not-for-profit organisation that provides vital services for women, children and young people who have experienced domestic or family violence or abuse in Northern New South Wales.
In 2024, our support for WUN included hosting a fundraising gala. Funds will help refurbish their Bugalma Bihyn Aboriginal Women and Children’s Refuge and support a variety of programs to support the complex needs of their clients, many of whom without our care will fall through the service gaps.

Foodlab Sydney
FoodLab Sydney is a social enterprise that works with food entrepreneurs from high-barrier backgrounds to build their businesses.
Challenger provide FoodLab with a social value-based $1 per annum nominal rent, with a three-year lease term that commenced in June 2023. With the support of our dedicated employees, we have expanded our partnership to include marketing and strategic planning as well as holding a fundraising event with our commercial partners and clients.

Diversity, equity and inclusion
Challenger inspires a diverse and inclusive workplace where employees can succeed regardless of their life circumstances and experiences including, but not limited to, gender identity, age, cultural background, religious beliefs, marital or family status, disability, sexual orientation, socio economic background or carer responsibilities. Challenger’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Strategy has three key areas of focus:
Diverse and inclusive culture
Gender equality through equitable practises
Diversity beyond gender

Human rights
We respect and support internationally recognised human rights as set out in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Fundamental Conventions of the International Labour Organisation*. We expect all our employees (including executives, non-executive directors and contractors of Challenger and its related entities), to comply with our human rights statement and we seek to work with third parties who support our approach and standards.
Demonstrating our commitment to improved human rights, we are a signatory to the Investors Against Slavery and Trafficking Asia-Pacific initiative, to engage on this issue and find better ways of doing business.
To find out more about our approach, read our Human rights statement and Modern slavery statement.
*These conventions address: freedom of association; collective bargaining; forced labour; minimum age; worst forms of child labour; equal remuneration; and discrimination.
Reports and policies