Our core products

Lifetime annuities
Receive guaranteed regular income for the rest of your life from a lump sum invested.

Term annuities
Receive guaranteed income payments from a lump sum invested for a specific term.

Income for aged care
Guaranteed monthly income for life to assist with ongoing aged care costs, plus a guaranteed death benefit providing estate planning certainty.

Investment funds
Access a range of active investment strategies from best-in-class investment managers.
Additional products
Super and Pension
View key information for Challenger Super and Challenger Pension such as annual reports, product updates and the Fund investment strategy.
Guaranteed Income Fund
Challenger’s Guaranteed Income Fund provides fixed income payments for a specified investment term and a fixed lump sum at maturity.
Closed products
Access information on Challenger products that are no longer open to new investment.
Important documents
Access PDS and TMD
You can download or order copies of our Product Disclosure Statements and Target Market Determinations here.
Product forms
Find forms you may need to make changes to an existing investment information on how to apply for our products can be found here.