Jonathan Kearns headshot

Dr Jonathan Kearns is Chief Economist and Head of Regulatory Affairs at Challenger, where he also sits on the Investment Committee.  


He worked for 28 years at the Reserve Bank of Australia, occupying a wide range of senior roles, including Department Head for Domestic Markets Department, Financial Stability Department, Economic Analysis Department and Economic Research Department. He also led the Bank’s work on climate change across four departments.  


Jonathan also worked at the Bank of International Settlements in Basel and has published research in the fields of international finance and macroeconomics. He has a Ph.D. from Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Bachelor of Economics (Honours) from the Australian National University.

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Protecting retirement income from inflation

The fall in inflation from multi-decade highs is good news for the Australian economy. Many retirees are struggling to manage their cost of living because of the cumulative impact inflation has had on their financial position.
Retiree cooking

Is the link between inflation and interest rates as straightforward as it seems?

Given the Reserve Bank of Australia has hiked interest rates 12 times in a little over a year in response to high inflation, the focus has naturally been on how inflation is driving interest rates.
group of three people reading papers at a desk

How bad are recessions for asset returns?

Recessions come and go, but they can have significant effects on people’s current livelihood because of unemployment and future livelihood through the impact on asset prices and so wealth.

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