
Table of Contents


Annuity FAQs


Do you have a general question about annuities? We've listed the most common questions here. 

What is an annuity?
Who can invest in an annuity? 
What benefits can an annuity bring?
What kind of client concerns can an annuity help solve? 
Can my client withdraw from their investment if their circumstances change? 
What happens to my clients’ investment upon death?

BDM support

Our Challenger Distribution team are experienced in helping advisers develop retirement and aged care strategies that help give clients confidence in retirement.

Request a meeting with a Challenger BDM. 


Lifetime annuity FAQs


In this section you’ll find the most common questions we receive from advisers about lifetime annuities. 

What happens to the annuity if my client dies early? 
What if my client needs to access their investment?
Does my client have to put all their super or savings into the annuity?
What if the cost of living goes up?
How does a lifetime annuity interact with the Age Pension?
Are annuities tax free?
Are annuities taxable to beneficiaries?


Term annuity FAQs


In this section you’ll find the most common questions we receive about term annuities. 

Is the rate fixed for the investment term?
Is the term fixed?
Are payments guaranteed?
Is the repayment of the money invested guaranteed?
Will payments change if the share market goes down?
Can I choose how often my client receives their payments?
Can my clients increase the amount of their regular payments?
Is there a penalty for withdrawing all or part of my clients’ money before the end of the term?
Will my clients get their investment amount back at the end of the term?
Is there a minimum investment term?
Can my client add to their investment during the term?
Can my client re-invest at maturity? 
Is there a minimum investment amount?
What happens to my clients’ money if they pass away?
Are there any fees?


Challenger FAQs


Do you have a question about Challenger? We've listed the most common questions we receive on this page. 

How do we cover our promises made to our customers?
Is my clients’ money safe with Challenger? 
Do you charge any fees?
How does Challenger make its money?
Who underwrites Challenger?
Does Challenger’s share price affect my client’s investment?
What if Challenger's performance is weak?
How does Challenger invest my clients’ money?




In this section you’ll find the most common questions we receive about Target Market Determinations (TMDs) and Design and Distribution Obligations (DDO). 

What are the Design and Distribution Obligations? 
When did these obligations take effect? 
Who is a product issuer and a product distributor? 
What is a TMD?
Where can I find the TMD for a product?

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