

We appreciate you taking the time to update your contact details. Providing your updated contact details is simple and quick. There are just 4 pieces of information to provide.


Note your Investor number was shown in the communication we sent to you asking you to update your contact details.


Please press the submit button once you have finished entering your details.


You will automatically be entered into the draw to win one of ten Prezzee e-gift vouchers, once you click on the submit button. Terms and Conditions below apply. 


Tip when entering your date of birth: 
You can quickly navigate to your birth month and year by clicking on the Month and Year titles that shows at the top of the calendar screen.


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Win one of ten $100 Prezzee e-gift vouchers

Update your details using the online form above before 17 February 2025, to be entered into the draw for a chance to win one of ten $100 Prezzee e-gift vouchers. You can view the relevant Terms and Conditions below.
Terms and Conditions