Research shows Australian retirees potentially won’t get to fully benefit from their lifetime of super savings because they are unsure about how much they can spend.

With guaranteed regular income payable for life - regardless of how long your clients live - Challenger’s lifetime income options help to manage longevity risk in a way many other investments can’t. 
Want to find out more about how to use an annuity? Click here.  

Our innovative range of retirement income

Your clients will have the option to link their annuity payments to CPI helping to protect them against inflation. Or they could choose to link their annuity payments to the performance of investment markets or movements in the Reserve Bank of Australia’s cash rate.


Income certainty
Inflation protection
RBA cash rate
Clients can choose fixed payments, so you and your clients don’t need to worry about the performance of investment markets or movements in the cash rate.  To help protect against inflation risk, payments can be fully or partially indexed to CPI.
Payments can be linked to investment markets to combine the benefits of monthly income for life with exposure to the potential for market gains while still accepting downside risk. 

Clients can choose to have payments linked to the RBA cash rate.


  • Regular payments that are guaranteed for life (and their spouse’s life if they choose).
  • Choose to have payments fixed, or linked to changes in the CPI, RBA cash rate or investment markets.
  • Ability to access a lump sum if your clients’ circumstances change at anytime during their life expectancy (rounded down).
  • No ongoing product fees.
  • A guaranteed death benefit is payable for the duration of your client’s life expectancy with the death benefit equal to 100% of the amount invested for the first half of life expectancy.

Get a quote or contact us

Visit our Adviser Online portal to generate a lifetime annuity quote with our eQuote tool; you just need to register to find out more information.

Why choose Challenger?

Awards Stars

Multi-award winning Life Company.

Awards Stars

Australia’s largest annuity provider.

Awards Stars

Provides regular income to thousands of customers with $22 billion in assets under management (as at 30 June 2022).